Street pole banners help dress up the city in beautiful colors while marketing your business, highlighting a sponsor or creating a buzz for your upcoming event. Whether a temporary promotional message or a year-round marketing campaign in the Cayman Islands, street pole banners are the things, you can rely on for capturing the attention of passersby.
These outdoor pole banners are most popularly used for representing promotional events, big celebrations on the island like Batabano, Christmas and to welcome visitors to school campuses. They can be installed on the pole hardware that we offer with it or on the existing street lamp or light posts on the avenues, boulevards, and main roads, designed to withstand rough weather conditions. Their universal appeal makes them favorite advertising tool for promoting events.
We fabricate double-sided pole banners with hemmed pole pockets using high-grade vinyl or polyester with best-in-class designs. We also offer a custom pole banner for that perfect look designed to meet your explicit requirements. We are a well-known signage company in the Cayman Islands for developing result-oriented signs that can pull through the test of time.
An employee or customer will brand your business every now and then but a sign will do it ceaselessly 24/7.
An aesthetic sign strategically placed will effectively communicate your message to thousands of passers every day.
With your logo on the exterior sign, it helps in branding your business and thus, becomes an integral part of the marketing campaign.
As compared to other advertising means such as radio ad, signs are cost-effective and offer better returns on investment for a longer time.
Place your ad where you think it will fetch maximum benefits. For instance, placing a club’s ad nearby or in front of a restaurant.